Arroz Montsià

How to cook integral rice: properties,tricks and recipes

Integral rice is an excellent source of fibre, recommended in healthy diets or those that require regulation of intestinal function.

Integral rice is one of the types of rice that is most consumed since it is a source of energy and a way to keep blood sugar levels constant. In addition, it offers superior quality by preserving most of the special nutrients found in the grain coat.

What is the difference with white rice?

The grain of integral rice is composed of bran, which is where the bre is concentrated, the minerals, apart from antioxidants and vitamins of group B and the endosperm where the protein is concentrated. By contrast, in white rice only the endosperm is left.

The production process of white rice is different from whole wheat. To produce the rst variety of rice, the peel is eliminated and with it also part of its nutrients, making it low in protein and rich in carbohydrates. Integral rice does retain part of its nutrients because its outer shell is removed, but its cuticle remains. Hence it has a darker color, a very interesting texture and avour nuances.

Properties of integral rice

As said, integral rice is a balanced cereal and this is why we can consume it periodically. But what are its properties?

It is characterized because it contains very little fat and it is a food that constantly supplies glucose to the blood. In addition, it includes high proportions of phosphorus so it maintains bone health, Besides, it intervenes in the formation of muscle tissues and the division of cells.

Another property of brown rice is that it is low in sodium and rich in fiber, which helps increase satiety and therefore decrease calorie intake. 

How should I cook integral rice?

Each variety of rice must be cooked in a different way. Because, not all whole grain rice is the same, since everything will depend on the amount of bran that they keep. For example, our integral rice is one of the rices with the most husk on the market. Therefore, it should not be cooked the same as other rice dishes, if you do so, the result will not be as expected.

The first step in cooking brown rice is to let it soak for about 15 minutes so that the fiber can absorb the water and that the grain is not hard after cooking. Afterwards, the cooking time is about 30 minutes. While it is cooking we can take the opportunity to prepare the vegetables, the sauce or the preparations with which we want to accompany our rice.

Recipes with integral rice

If you dare to prepare good integral rice, but you are missing some ideas... We are going to give you some that you will surely love!
lentils rice salad

Rice and lentil salad

Now that the good weather is here, it is important to eat fresh and healthy foods such as lentils.

  • 400 g. Montsià Integral Rice
  • 60 ml. olive oil
  • 2 red onions
  • 60 ml. red wine vinegar
  • 400 g. lentils
  • 1 lemon
  • 15 g. fresh parsley leaves
  • 200 g. cheese
  • First, we cut the onions and fry them in a pan with a little oil.
  • Next, we put the lentils and rice to cook in a large pot with boiling water and add a little salt.
  • Meanwhile, cut the onion into small pieces, poach it and add it to the salad bowl.
  • After about 15 minutes of cooking, drain the legumes, rice and rinse everything with cold water. We let drain.
  • We add the legumes and parsley to our plate, we cut a little feta cheese into squares.
  • Finally, we cook the salad to our liking with a little olive oil, wine vinegar and salt. We let it cool and ready to eat!

rice apple
Brown rice dessert with apple

We propose a very simple, healthy and very tasty dessert. We recommend it especially for the days when you want to eat sweet and the body asks you for something healthy.


  • 200 g Rice Montsià Integral
  • 2 grated Golden apples
  • Cinnamon powder


  • Put water to heat and, when it starts to boil, add the amount you need of rice. Remember that the cooking time is longer than the white one, between 30 and 40 minutes.
  • When it's done (to the point), run it through cold water and let it finish cooling to room temperature.
  • Peel and grate the apples. Do it at the last minute to avoid rust color. To delay oxidation, instead of grating it, you can cut it into very small pieces and soak it in lemon water.
  • When the rice is cold, mix it with the grated apple. The proportion is half and half, but you can adapt it to your liking.
  • Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, taste and rectify.

Brown rice, as you have seen, has multiple properties and benefits that will help you take care of yourself inside and out. Now it's your turn to be an excellent chef and prepare one of our recipes!

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