Arroz Montsià

How to get children to eat fruits and vegetables

Children sometimes have trouble eating vegetables and fruits. The challenge for many families is children to get used to the taste of vegetables.

Sometimes, children cannot become familiar with vegetables and fruits because of their texture or flavour. To end this fight, we are going to tell you a series of tricks that will surely help you.
  • Explain nutritional values and insist. It is very difcult first time your child likes what they are eating. It is important that you tell why it is important to eat fruits and vegetables and try to taste them several times until they get used to the taste.
  • You must be a role model. You cannot instill healthy eating in your children if you do not follow the same example. Since children pay attention to the elderly, we recommend you follow a healthy diet and to motivate them show your enthusiasm in front of a vegetable dish.
  • Choice is a key point. When it comes to cooking, you can ask them what vegetables do they prefer. So you will have the option to introduce new recipes or other vegetables they may prefer. With this trick, you will get your child to help you know their tastes and, also, can help you out in the kitchen see the entire production process.
  • Imagination cannot be missing. To make it easier for you that they like vegetables, can create a color menu for all week. In addition, if you bet on present your dishes in a funny way, to get the plate through their eyes, surely they will eat with pleasure and will want to repeat.

We know that your child eats everything is not an easy challenge, but surely with these little tricks you will be able to introduce fruits and vegetables to your diet and create a healthy menu. 

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