Arroz Montsià

Benefits of a vegetarian diet

More and more people decide to follow a vegetarian dietfor health or moral reasons. But what are its benefits?

The vegetarian diet, as its name already indicates, is a diet based on vegetable protein sources, and not in animal protein, to get the proper daily nutrition the body needs.

What are its benefits?

– Prevents heart disease: vegetarian diet helps prevent heart disease. Vegetarians dispense with animal protein and meat is one of the main sources of cholesterol. In addition, the meat does not contain ber, which helps lower cholesterol levels.

– Weight control: vegetarian diet is low in fat and calories, therefore helps to lose weight and prevent obesity.

In addition, provides healthier nutrition with rice, fruits, vegetables, legumes or nuts, that provide vitamins, minerals, ber, fatty acids and vegetable proteins.

– Helps control hypertension: a vegetarian diet helps us regulate hypertension because vegetables are rich in potassium. Potassium controls sodium levels in the blood. Vegetarian people, by dispensing with meat, tend to maintain lower blood pressure.

– Prevents osteoporosis: vegetarians have a lower risk of osteoporosis because one of the factors that causes decalcication of bone is animal protein. Meat can lead to bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

Denitely, the vegetarian diet causes a higher calcium intake, ber, folic acid, vitamins C and E and magnesium, that will help your body have the nutrients it needs.


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