Arroz Montsià

How to improve your sports performance

A proper diet is the best gift we can give to the body after training. We show you 3 essential keys to improve your sports performance.

In addition to investing in health, improving sports performance through weekly training is one of the main goals of many athletes. If you set some goals and follow these 3 tips, you can easily improve your performance.

What is sport performance?

Sports performance is the set of results obtained by an athlete. For example, it is the distance you get when running, the number of rounds achieved, or the weight you lifted.

Keys to improving your athletic performance

- Food: It is a basic factor to obtain an adequate sports performance. Without the nutrients needed for exercise, it will be difficult for our body to achieve its goals.

Foods contain proteins, vitamins and minerals and all these nutrients are important for our body to function properly and improve our health. Macronutrients are essential because thanks to them we get most of the energy.
  • Carbohydrates play a basic role in energy supply. We get them from cereals, such as rice, legumes, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein gives us energy and we get it from meat, fish, eggs or tofu.
  • Fat has energy, hormonal functions and can be obtained with oil, nuts, fish, meat or avocado.
- Training: If you want to improve your performance, you must avoid making mistakes and injuries. Training without goals or planning will improve your body during the first few weeks, but it may slow down afterwards. To prevent this, it is important to work on either endurance, coordination, agility or strength from a training program or expert advice.

- Motivation: The mind is a very important factor in achieving athletic results, because it allows us to continue training when your body begins to decline. Motivation and being positive are the driving force to achieve goals and overcome certain obstacles such as quitting training before you finish.

All these points will influence your sports performance and make you improve after each workout; this coupled with other factors such as hydration or warming up will allow you to stay fit.

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