Arroz Montsià

3 ideas with a lot of flavour to hydrate yourself this summer

If this summer you do not know how to beat the heat, we bring you 3 ideas to hydrate yourself.

Holidays are coming, you will be lying on the beach, bathing in the sea... and beating the heat! When temperatures rise it is essential to cool off well. At Montsià rice we have decided to compile flavourful ideas to hydrate yourself this summer in a healthy way.

High temperatures cause increased sweating in your body, which will cause you to lose moisture and electrolytes. Therefore, it is important to know what the best way is to hydrate in summer. At this time of year, you should control your hydration and daily fluid intake even more, especially water because it helps your body regulate body temperature.

Why is hydration with water important?

Water is an essential natural resource for life and is considered an essential nutrient in daily nutrition.

Water is a basic part of our body. And, although it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water daily, the amount varies according to sex, age, and body composition. On average, water represents 60% of the body weight of adult men and 50-55% of the body weight of women.

In addition, hydrating with water is important because it has multiple benefits for our body such as relieving fatigue, helping with digestion, constipation, and kidney function, or maintaining body temperature.

Hydrate this summer... but with a lot of flavour!

Drinking water is the best option to hydrate yourself, but… there are other alternatives that can give you a lot of flavour this summer.

1- Natural fruit slushies: an original way to take fruits is slushies. But the ones we propose are totally homemade without sugars and made with summer fruits, since they contain a large amount of water. Melon, peach, or watermelon have, for example, more than 80% water.
2- Cold creams: there is a great variety of cold dishes with rice to take in summer such as rice cake, our Delta Poké Bowls, rice salads that you can accompany with cold creams. Vegetables creams are a way to enjoy a light dinner and hydrate yourself because many vegetables contain a lot of water. For example, cucumber is 96% water or tomato 94%. Why not have a gazpacho or a refreshing cold cream of cucumber, Greek yogurt and mint?

3- Ice infusions: ice infusions are perfect for hydrating in summer, because it is a way of drinking water, but giving it flavour at any time of the day. You just must heat the water to infuse your favourite herbs and then refresh them in the fridge with crushed ice. Green tea with mint and lemon, lavender, or watermelon lemonade with basil, are some examples of ice infusions!

This summer hydrate with a lot of flavour and discover the benefits of maintaining a healthy body.

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