At Montsià rice we propose you tips and tricks to go to the zero waste cooking.
When you cook it is important
not to waste ingredients or throw excess food. There are thousands of
ideas and tricks to take advantage of your recipes and
not waste any food. Discover them!
What is the zero waste cooking?
The zero waste cooking or trash cooking is a trend that has been growing in recent years and we love it. It is a philosophy that is gradually entering to the kitchens of our consumers, and it consists of taking advantage of the remaining parts that we have not used when we have prepared a recipe.
The amount of food that ends up in the garbage is surprising, either because we only cook part of it or because we have prepared too much food. Nonetheless, there is a tendency to waste a lot of food, which ends up affecting not only our economy also the environment.
Using the zero waste cooking in your day to day has become a type of kitchen with the peculiarity of using the most parts of all food, either reusing the leftovers to prepare new recipes, or giving a second chance to the food that we were going to Discard.
In this way, we will not throw away the food that can be used perfectly for other recipes. In addition, the zero waste cooking is not only to cook with food scraps that we have not used, also to learn to give a return to cooked food and prepare other recipes.
Origin of the zero waste cooking
This type of cuisine began in the eastern area because in their gastronomies it is usual to consume food, practically in its entirety. Despite this, today it is one of the best-known gastronomic trends where professional and amateur chefs have begun to popularize this concept and have managed to give their recipes a spin.
The concept of the zero waste cooking was born to try to reduce food waste and take advantage of part of this food, since in our country we throw away an average of 1.3 million tons of food per year. These alarming data are beginning to raise awareness and reflect among the population about the importance of betting on this traditional cuisine. In this way we avoid the overexploitation of our planet's resources and control our economy.
Benefits of the zero waste cooking
Its benefits not only refer to the economy, creativity or care for the environment, but the zero waste cooking also helps our health.
Sometimes when we cook we waste the most nutrient-dense parts of food. With this type of cuisine, you can bet on new ingredients and get greater benefits for your health. An example can be the skin of vegetables, greens and fruits with which we generally do not cook them and contain a large amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins.
Ideas for a use kitchen with ingredients
Do you have to cook fish? We recommend that you cut the loins into small pieces to take advantage of them more and make different dishes. An easy example is adding tomato sauce and broth to make a delicious fish soup in winter; bathe the fish with lemon juice for the ceviche or improvise a paella.
Many times we don't know what to do with half the vegetables. We put them in the fridge until they rot and we end up throwing them away. To take advantage of the vegetables, the fastest way is to add lettuce and prepare a salad or mix it with onion to cook a homemade sauce. And the fruits? If they are too ripe, you can prepare a jam for breakfast.
Meat can also be used. Cut the leftover pieces and use them to prepare a taco with a little rice. This way you will have a quick and complete dinner to prepare.

Ideas for a surplus kitchen with leftovers
Sometimes we overcook because
we miscalculate the portions or because we cook hungry. You can
take advantage of the leftovers and enjoy delicious meals.
If you have rice left over, you can prepare the famous
Arancini. These rice balls remind us of
croquettes, but the main difference between the two dishes is that
the first always has rice and is complemented with
meat, vegetables, or fish.
Other perfect dishes
to cook leftover rice can be main dishes such
as Cuban rice, rice salad or rice cake, a very easy recipe to prepare and ideal for this summer.
Whatever main dish you cook, remember that you can always give it a second chance. Discover the surplus kitchen!